When music is not braking your ears, but you have to hold your breath to catch every sound. Every note becomes a gift.
When your interlocutor is not vomiting stream of thoughts at you, but giving you a space to answer. When you actually listen to each other. Than you can come to the point where you start to know and understand each other, it’s magical feeling.
When a touch is not raping your body, but gently teasing your senses. When you moving together in the dance and each of you ready to stop or change direction at any time. When the partners have no plan where will be the next step, but catching tiniest shift of the weight.
When there is no strong odor of perfume, but smell of ocean, leaves, grass, real human body which tells so much… nothing smells better then people who have harmony inside.
When there is no flashing neon lights, but warm and cozy candles, sunsets, branches and rocks making incredible installations.
Our body is smart, when it gets too much of something it’s getting numb and it needs more and more till the point it stops to feel anything.
Instead of increasing the volume i love to sharpen my senses, coming back to zero, to the point where we can really connect and get the whole scale to play again.